I Chrome Therefore I Am

I'm back! Apologies for my absence. I've had a tonne of work recently and also... had a little 'meh' moment about the Necrons. 

Firstly, let's pick up from the last post when I'd got the chrome basecoat done on the Shadow War kill team. After that had been sprayed on I started the experimenting. I knew I wanted a coooool blue feel to my Necrons. Icy. Soulless. Plus, most of my old armies were red; Orks, Tomb Kings, Khorne. Blue'd compliment the chrome perfectly - at least in my head. That's where the experimenting started.  

Neat application of gloss nuln oil  

Neat application of gloss nuln oil  

The first time I did this colour scheme I was very liberal with some application of the old Black Ink. Liberally applying it to the warrior test model dulled the chrome down just a little too much for me so I applied it a little more accurately on the next model - the Immortal and Deathmark pictured above. Then some blue experiments. That started with Drakenhoff Nightshade to give some hints of blue.  

The Drakenhoff wasn't 'blue' enough

The Drakenhoff wasn't 'blue' enough

It was a strange application. I added it carefully to some recesses - rib cage for instance - and some flat areas to see if I could cool the chrome down in colour to give a hint of blue to some of those areas. Over the chrome the washes stained the chrome a little but the Drakenhoff wasn't a rich enough blue to really show up and change the look and style of the Necron enough. So I tried a paint that was totally new to me Soulstone Blue technical paint. Wow! 


The richness of the colour came through and started to get the rich blue look I had in my head. The strange stains on the shoulder pads are the remnants of the Drakenhoff but that lovely bright rich blue on the chest plate and the gun cartridge is exactly the blue I was after. Lucky coincidence? Maybe but I'm now love these new gem paints! And what better silver to paint them over the pure chrome!

The blue was quickly applied to the rest of the Kill Team just in time for their first game. This was the first time I'd rolled dice in anger, as it were, in over ten years, and although we were playing slowly and checking rules a lot it felt familiar and very exciting. 

Necrons v Harlequins v Adeptus Mechanicus

Necrons v Harlequins v Adeptus Mechanicus

I was hooked and wanted to put together and paint some of the new models that I'd never seen before. Tomb Blades. They'd form the core of a fast attack Necron force for the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. 

The plan was to create a themed army for an event that Dave had told me about called Armies on Parade, something I'm sure you all know about but was totally new to me. I always like working armies out according to the lore behind them so the idea of fast attack scouting or strike force for my upcoming Necron army was forming. 

I'll leave the blog post here for now, with a few more photos of the Immortals as the Tomb Blades are where my excitement started to falter just a little. 

I tried adding a couple of spot colours to the scheme to see how they looked - and would also double to differentiate the models in the Kill Team

I tried adding a couple of spot colours to the scheme to see how they looked - and would also double to differentiate the models in the Kill Team

Oh... and one more thing... I blended chrome to matt black on one of my favourite models ever, and the reason I bought that first squad of Necrons the first time. 


Until next time, I hope you're having a great bank holiday weekend! I'll be painting some more tomorrow and hopefully write another post to bring you right up to speed with the ups and downs that the Tomb Blades introduced.  

See you anon!