Yup, it’s literally that! I’ve taken photos of all the models I’ve been working on, converting and painting and posted a few of them up on Twitter, but I’ve left them on my phone because ‘Oh I’ll write a blog post about them later’.
First up are the Necron warriors. I really need to add them to my force as a backbone and I’ve a feeling they’re going to be even more important when the Codex lands. Strategems and traits are important to be made use of and I can see the relentlessness of Necrons becoming a big part of this. Cinematically there’s just something about lines of Necrons advancing on their foe that has to be tapped in to.
However, the Necron warrior models are... shall we say struggling in the recent flourish of phenomenal sculpts coming from Games Workshop so I’ve had to take them a different direction. It means a lot of cutting and glueing but the end result... you can be the judge of but I like them a lot right now.
It starts with cutting both legs off. Each leg is then either cut in two and ‘bent’ or veeeeeery gently striaghtened out. Most of the time it would still snap and the break would need cleaning up and glueing back together but I probably managed 60% of them without snapping.
There’s soooo much variety you are then able to put into the poses however the joints that are cut and glued do have a very small cross section. The ankle for instance, always needs to be repositioned as it needs to be pronated out. I probably went too far on some, cutting the toes off for an even more ‘mid-step’ pose.
Once all the angles and repositioning had been done I did drop a small sap of superglue on each joint just to help add a little strength. The plastic glue I use (Slaters Mekpak) does do an brilliant job and is very strong but I just wanted to make sure. With the superglue there’s very little flex in the joints.
The ‘new’ position seems to automatically give the torso a more vertical pose (the one in the photo is maybe a fraction too vertical) but they look much more imposing when they’re together. The vertebrae needs to be one disc taller now the Necron is standing up straight and a slice of plastic rod does just the trick.
I was planning on using my custom tinted gauss rods but realised that with all their recent (recent for me) sculpts, Games Workshop we’re steering away from the coloured rods so I had a think.
I had a lot of Gauss Blasters from my Immortals spare - in my opinion Tesla Carbines are better for Immortals, plus the kit makes Deathmarks, too - so it didn’t take long to cut some up, and see if they fitted.
After doing twenty of these weapons and for a little variety and unit differentiation I then made these guys!
I think he’s still very much a Necron Warrior but looks just a little different. I made a unit of ten of these to go with the twenty strong unit of the others.
So update done, I can now clear these photos from my phone and will collate the next batch to share with you later this week.
What do you think to the warriors? I know I probably shouldn’t have given them two different weapons but maybe in the Codex we get some more variety, who knows. Although if we get variety in Necron warriors that will almost certainly mean new sculpts which will invalidate all this work, haha!
I’ll leave you with a few more photos and until next time, take care, have a great build up to Christmas and keep painting!
Thanks everyone! See you soon and I’ll definitely retake that photo when they’re chromed up! Love it.